The Counselor
FALL 2024
- Article: Office Buildings Face a Cliff: How Remote Work Is Reshaping the Commercial Real Estate Landscape
- Recent Successes | #FirmAdvantage
- Events & Speaking Engagements
- Firm Mentions
- Congratulatory Highlights
- Notable Appointments
- FDT’s Continuous Growth
- Article: Environmental Due Diligence – When the Threshold for Clean Moves to Parts Per Trillion
- Recent Successes | #FirmAdvantage
- Events & Speaking Engagements
- Firm Mentions
- Congratulatory Highlights
- Notable Appointments
- Article: Long Island Zoning Atlas: A Welcome Preliminary Step
- Recent Successes | #FirmAdvantage
- Firm Mentions
- Congratulatory Highlights
- Events & Speaking Engagements
- Notable Appointments
- FDT’s Growth Continues at Exponential Rate
FALL 2023
- Article: Holding Nothing Back on Retainage
- Recent Successes | #FirmAdvantage
- Firm Mentions
- Events & Speaking Engagements
- Congratulatory Highlights
- Notable Appointments
- FDT Diversity Fellowship Program
- Article: Social Media – A Hotbed for Securities Litigation
- Recent Successes | #FirmAdvantage
- Congratulatory Highlights
- Firm Mentions
- Events & Speaking Engagements
- Notable Appointments
- FDT Launches New Practice Group
- Article: Property Tax Turmoil – The Coming of Office Building Valuation Apocalypse
- Recent Successes | #FirmAdvantage
- Speaking Engagements
- Firm Mentions
- Congratulatory Highlights
- Notable Appointments
FALL 2022
- Article: IRA Promotes Development of Battery Energy Storage Systems and Other Green Technologies
- Recent Successes | #FirmAdvantage
- Events and Speaking Engagements
- Firm Mentions
- Appointments and Notable Updates
- Marcum Workplace Challenge
- Article: Are Restrictive Covenants Helpful or Harmful to Employers?
- Events and Speaking Engagements
- Firm Mentions
- Recent Successes | #FirmAdvantage
- FDT goes “Back To Networking!”
- Appointments and Notable Updates
- Article: Last Chance for Businesses to Claim the Employee Tax Retention Credit
- Events and Speaking Engagements
- Recent Successes | #FirmAdvantage
- Firm Mentions
- Gregory S. Lisi’s Nassau County Bar Association Presidential Recap
- Appointments and Notable Updates
FALL 2021
- Article: Qualified Small Business Stock and the Millions in Tax Savings
- FDT’s new office spaces: A sneak peek at our renovated home
- Events and Speaking Engagements
- Recent Successes | #FirmAdvantage
- Firm Mentions
- Appointments and Notable Updates
- Article: Seeing Green: Opportunities for your Business in the Cannabis Market
- Events and Speaking Engagements
- Recent Successes | #FirmAdvantage
- Firm Mentions
- Appointments and Notable Updates
- Article: Corporate Restructuring Outlook for 2021
- Events and Speaking Engagements
- Firm Mentions
- Accolades
- In Memoriam
- Recent Success | #FirmAdvantage
- Appointments and Notable Updates
FALL 2020
- Article: Estate Planning During the Pandemic: The Tax Landscape Has Never Been Better
- Events and Speaking Engagements
- Accolades
- Recent Success | #FirmAdvantage
- Appointments and Notable Updates
Spring 2020
- Article: “Breaking Up is Hard to Do: Partitioning of Real Property”
- Firm Mentions
- Awards, Presentations & Events
- Recent Successes | #FirmAdvantage
- Notable Updates
Winter 2020
- Article: “Using New York Law to Save on Mortgage Recording Taxes”
- Accolades
- Firm Mentions
- Awards, Presentations & Events
- Recent Successes | #FirmAdvantage
- Firm Additions
Fall 2019
- Rikki, You Can Lose That Number, but Don’t Delete That Text Message!
- Recent Accolades
- Firm Mentions
- Awards, Presentations & Events
- Recent Successes | #Firm Advantage
- Firm Additions
- Board Appointments
Winter 2019
- Nassau’s Reassessment – A Closer Look
- Awards, Presentations & Events
- Successful Lawyers, Successful Clients
- Firm News & New Additions
Fall 2018
- Zoning due diligence can save you time and money on your next real estate investment
- Awards, Presentations & Events
- Successful Lawyers, Successful Clients
- Firm News & New Additions
Spring 2018
- The irrevocable life insurance trust still a viable estate planning technique
- Awards, Presentations & Events
- Successful Lawyers, Successful Clients
- Firm News & New Additions
Fall 2017
- Joining a creditors committee an opportunity or more pain for no gain?
- Awards, Presentations & Events
- Successful Lawyers, Successful Clients (add this bullet instead of Boards)
- Firm News
Spring 2017
• Two new partners join to enhance corporate and bankruptcy practice groups
• Awards, Presentations & Events
• Successful Lawyers, Successful Clients
Winter 2017
• The Value of Corporate Clean-Up and Good Record Keeping
• Awards, Presentations & Events
• Successful Lawyers, Successful Clients
Summer 2016
• New Wage and Employment Laws Will Impact Your Business
• Awards, Presentations & Events
• Successful Lawyers, Successful Clients
Winter 2016
• Real Estate Tax Breaks For Green Buildings
• Awards, Presentations & Events
• Successful Lawyers, Successful Clients
• Appointments & New Additions