Condominium, Cooperative & HOA

Forchelli Deegan Terrana LLP has extensive experience in the representation of Co-op corporations, homeowners’ associations, and condominium associations.

The firm provides counsel to Boards of Directors of Co-ops in connection with their corporate operative documents, including their rights under the proprietary lease, by-laws, and house rules.

FDT represents homeowners’ associations in handling underlying mortgage financings and negotiating favorable terms with the Lender on the Board’s behalf.

The firm also represents developers and investors in filings with the NYS Office of the Attorney General (“OAG”) for properties located in Nassau County, Suffolk County, Westchester County, and within the five boroughs of New York City.

That track record, combined with our knowledge and experience in land use and subdivision procedures, make FDT your trusted partner for Co-ops, Condos and HOA projects, including various filings with the OAG, financing, and municipal relations.