We hope you are all safe and healthy through this difficult time. As we watch the novel Coronavirus affect our state, our country and the rest of the world in unprecedented ways, protecting our clients, our employees and our community is a top priority. While as a firm we have implemented appropriate measures to keep our attorneys and staff safe during this public health crisis, we are still available to all of you, and plan to remain so in the days and weeks ahead until this crisis is over.
If you have any questions, need an update, or require any legal or other assistance, our lines of communication with your normal contacts at the firm, and the firm in general, are and will remain open as usual. You may contact me anytime at the telephone numbers or e-mail below.
Update for your obligations as an employer: The CDC has put out a website concerning your legal and medical obligations as an employer. It is a short, but important, read. Another important item of interest to employers is an EEOC Guidance on the Americans with Disability Act’s provisions during a pandemic. So far, the NYS Department of Labor has stated that the employers’ sick leave policies will control, however, please be mindful of the requirements of the NYS Paid Family Medical Leave Act, which allows your employees to take paid time off to care for family members, and the Federal Family Medical Leave Act, as well as your local county or New York City sick leave provisions, if any, and their applications to your business and this situation. Lastly, there are two bills before Congress which will, hopefully, be agreed to and placed into law this week which will give more guidance on your obligations as employers, including pay options and rights should you need to close your business or send employees home during this health crisis. I will try to keep you updated on any changes to your requirements as an employers at updates become available.
Should you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us. Battling the novel Coronavirus is taxing on us all. We are here if you need us.
With best wishes for your, and your family’s health and safety.
Gregory S. Lisi
Partner-in-Charge, Employment & Labor practice group
GLisi@Forchellilaw.com | 516.248.1700